What is DMP4NFDI?

DMP4NFDI is the basic service for all consortia. We support consortia with DMPs and SMPs.

DMP4NFDI is your centralized solution for creating and managing Data Management Plans (DMPs) and Software Management Plans (SMPs) within the NFDI. As a Basic Service, we address critical gaps in infrastructure by hosting the open-source tool RDMO, enabling consortia to create discipline-specific, standardized, and interoperable templates tailored to their needs.

And what are the details?

We work closely with consortia to:

  • Develop DMP/SMP templates that streamline data workflows across projects.
  • Train consortia staff to support their communities in using the DMP/SMP-Tool RDMO effectively.
  • Facilitate integrations with other tools and services in the research data ecosystem of the NFDI.

By fostering collaboration, standardization, and machine-readability, DMP4NFDI enhances communication between stakeholders and ensures that DMPs become powerful tools for research planning and data sharing. Together, we make data management seamless and impactful for all disciplines!

Join us in advancing the NFDI’s vision for a unified and innovative research data management ecosystem!

DMPs and SMPs: While DMP4NFDI initially focused on Data Management Plans (DMPs), we are expanding our expertise to include Software Management Plans (SMPs) during the integration phase. With the support of dedicated experts, we aim to address the growing importance of SMPs for managing software resources and workflows in research.

In which development phase is DMP4NFDI?

Initialisation Phase
First Phase
May 2024 – Present current
In the initialisation phase, we laid the foundation for the service by hosting RDMO and collaborating with consortia to create first discipline-specific DMP templates. We gathered feedback from early adopters to refine our offerings, we started developing the NFDI Template Framework to standardize DMP/SMP creation and enable machine actionability.
Integration Phase
Second Phase
May 2025 – April 2027 planned
During the integration phase, we expand our reach by supporting consortia through incubator projects, enhancing template frameworks, and integrating RDMO with other tools and services to ensure interoperability.
Ramp-up Phase
Third Phase
May 2027 – April 2029 planned
The ramp-up phase will scale the service further, fostering widespread adoption of DMPs and SMPs across consortia while ensuring sustainability through community-driven training and support.